Seeking a more balanced and healthy lift then you can’t go wrong with My Complexion Tea, A Quality Blend for your health & wellbeing
We recommended this blend to those wanting to add to their current lifestyle, Something more of a tonic by its essence and something that is gentle and passive.
For those who enjoy a cuppa and prefer a natural alternative to maintain a good complexion that is balanced
This blend is beneficial in the long term and is recommended to drink on a regular basis to experience the full benefits of the blend
This is an extremely gentle formula and is safe for most people
This blend is packed with Vitamins and minerals to support you
This blend can be used as an external compress for skin conditions like burns, rashes, inflamed acne, split skin and sunburn
Can be used on the scalp for hair regeneration and dry scalp
Can possibly slow hair loss
Where it is not recommended & what this product is not-
This blend is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
This is not a supplement or replacement for more serious conditions that require medical attention
Not recommended for Children
ake this blend on a consistent basis to experience the long term benefits.
You do not have to have issues with your hair, skin and nails to enjoy this blend
Contains sage which has a cooling effect on the body
This product contains no Caffeine
Nutty/earthy undertones-
Delivering a slight earthy & grounding sense
Burdock Root
A hint of sweetness
Licorice, Rosemary, Calendula
Aromatic & bitter tonic
Evening Primrose, White sage, Calendula, lemongrass